
22 August, 2008

Bosu- Yoga for lats and obliques-Series 29

1. Triyakatadasana or standing half wheel
Stand with feet apart. One foot on top of Bosu. Raise your hands up overhead. Grip one wrist with the other hand and bend to the side. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat on the other side.
Stretches arms and the lats.
Makes spine more flexible.
Do not attempt if you have frozen shoulder or severe back problem.

2. Parigharasana or sitting side stretch
Kneel down and place the right knee on top of the Bosu. Extend left leg straight out to side on the floor. The toe of the left leg should be pointing outward. Raise your right hand up and take it overhead to the left side while placing the left hand on your waist. Hold and repeat on the other side.
Stretches the muscles of pelvic region, trunk arms and thighs.
Strengthens the back muscles.
Do not attempt if you have back problem.

3. Uthitatrikonasana or The Extended Triangle
Stand with feet wide apart. Place right foot on top of Bosu and turn it outward.Raise your hands to shoulder level and slowly turn your body to right. Place your right hand down on top of Bosu and turn left hand out to right side parallel to the floor. Look at this hand. Hold and repeat to the other side.
Tones the thighs.
Strengthens the arms.
Tones and massages the pelvic region.
Do not attempt if you have stiff neck or high blood pressure.

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