
14 April, 2009

Diet plan to shed weight for Indian moms

Few days back I got this message.

Hi Kiran:

I love your blog, website and all the videos you have. It is very inspiring!

I am a mom of two kids - struggling with weight. I am not obese per say, but I have so much flab on my ab - it really depresses me. I have been working out a lot and have been seeing promising results.

It will be helpful if you can write a blog post on what not to eat if you your diet is primarily Indian. There are so many books on western foods, but hardly any documentation on Indian foods. Maybe they exist - I just don't know about them.

Some things are obvious - don't eat puris, samosas, sweets etc - but what kind of eating plan do you give to people whom you train.

Will wait to hear from you.

Best of Luck with your son's exams. Sorry to hear about the tutor - what a shame!


Diet plan has to be balanced, wholesome and nutritious. The importance of Proteins can never be underestimated. I would even recommend an added protein shake. All the fruits, vegetables, milk and milk products like low fat yogurt, cottage cheese, etc are to be included in abundance. Have a good helping of soya and soya products like nutri nuggets, tofu, soya milk. Have sprouts, lean cuts of meat like chicken breast, fish, tuna.

After this comes good carbohydrates like whole grains, cereals like maize, barley, whole wheat etc.

Use oils sparingly.

My very typical diet plan would be as follows

Breakfast- Brown bread sandwich (bread of whole wheat or multi grain bread), with lettuce, cucumber, tomato, low fat cottage cheese, mint chutney, plus a fruit, plus tea/milk/coffee/buttermilk with no sugar.

Lunch- 2 rotis (50% wheat, 50% wheat bran-choker), sabji, curd/raita, salad.

Evening- milk shake (without sugar)/ fruit/ vegetable cutlet (made of finely chopped vegetable, cooked with 2 drops of oil on non stick pan)

Dinner- soup and salad of your choice.


  1. I really need to lose weight too, Kiran.

    I have learned the hard way that carbs are not my friends LOL!

  2. Thanks Kiran. Very Helpful advice.

  3. Agnes I agree carbs are not good friends. But simple carbs are good not complex carbs like sugars and refined products. Have whole wheat, wheat bran, etc. But i would not say you need to loose weight. You look gorgeous the way you are.

    Ragini. I am sorry for the delay. I do hope that it works for you.

  4. Kiran, you know, (I am totally serious) all the extra weight is on my butt and tights. I am not kidding. I went from a size 0 to a size 6 in a few months (and you're right, i've been consuming way too much sugar).

  5. GRAIN DIET PLAN - simple, fast, healthy weight loss plan. Thank you for dieting!

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