
29 August, 2011


If you try to meet up/match up expectations of others, you waste so much of your positive energies. Be yourself. Do not try to please anyone. Do not change anything in yourself for others. Do not try to live with the so called norms of the society. Love yourself the way you are. 

Do not have any expectations from others too. Accept people and situations the way they are. Expectations kill joy.

It is easy not to be bothered by the opinions of people whom you are not close to. But sometimes it may be someone who is very close to you, who is pulling you down. Your parents, your children, spouse, in laws, siblings. These are the people who really matter in your life. You may have probably done everything in your life to please them. Yet, if they turn around and be judgemental, tell you that they find you wrong (when in your heart and mind, you know that you are right). That is the time to be strong. Do not get hurt. Do not get upset. Do not give them that power. Draw power from within yourself. Have strong conviction.