
28 February, 2014

Sharing clothes

I share my clothes happily and readily with my sister (my real sister). I have occasionally (rarely) shared clothes with my mom. I have been handed down clothes by my boys (some Tshirts etc). I have received innumerable gifts which are clothes that I wear. I have handed down ample amount of my clothes to various people. But when it comes to "sharing clothes", it has never ever been outside family (blood relation) or should I say, someone I love.
Yes, there are ample number of people I know, who share clothes randomly. Even through websites. Everyone would have a different perspective about it and none of them would be wrong. But the views expressed here are completely personal. I do not see myself sharing clothes with someone whom I am not close to, casually, on everyday basis. If there is a dire necessity or urgency, it is understandable. I do not mind buying and wearing an identical outfit.
Sharing clothes is something very intimate. You have to be bum chum to be able to do it. I would certainly read in between the lines if two people live out of each other's wardrobes. For me, then, everything is not what it seems. And there is something more than meets the eye.