23 June, 2008

Corporate Fitness Training

Companies of all shapes and sizes are striving to make physical fitness part of their employees' lives. Aside from the proven health benefits of exercise, physically fit employees can also handle physical work tasks better, deal with stressful situations more easily and tend to be less susceptible to illness and injuries. Companies are discovering the positive benefits of providing workplace fitness programs. They're realizing that huge funds being spent on employees' medical health problems can be drastically cut by proactively investing in appropriately designed corporate fitness programs. Statistics show that companies with corporate fitness programs enjoy: Reduced Health Care Costs, Increased Productivity, Reduced Absenteeism, decreased recruitment and retraining costs, improved employee concentration, mental alertness and creativity, improved physical and emotional health, leading to better employee morale. The benefit from the employee's standpoint is improved health and energy levels, decreased body fat, and a more youthful, fit body

Recent studies show that increased exercise is a great way for employees to unwind from the pressure and stresses of everyday work. They are able to quit smoking easily. They drink less & are more patient with their colleagues & clients. As a result, productivity and motivation also increases, making businesses more profitable and less stressful. Companies are now starting to warm to this idea, either setting up corporate fitness memberships to the local gym, or better still setting up, tennis or squash court and gyms within their offices. Great, except for the fact that to get the best benefits sometimes requires a little extra help from trainers. Having a corporate personal trainer on hand for offices could maximize company’s investment in that employee.

The elements of fun, acceptance, belonging, motivation, encouragement and reinforcement are attempted to institute within a corporate wellness program. Employees are treated as individuals, with their own needs and goals. The trainer notes their personal and family health history, physical limitations, expectations and fitness goals. Their fitness level is evaluated. For employees with less physical jobs, it’s ideal to measure cardio respiratory endurance, body composition and flexibility. For employees with more physically demanding jobs, measure of muscle strength and endurance is taken. A person with sedentary job might have nagging back problems. Carpel tunnel syndrome, amongst person working on a computer most of the time is not unheard of. Incorrect posture in any job situation also needs to be rectified. Hunching shoulders, stooping back, poor eyesight can all be taken care of by proper counseling. Utilizing the information from the initial consultation and fitness evaluation, an Individual Exercise Prescription (IEP) for each participating employee is created. Exercise sessions include:

• Warm-up activities
• Aerobic conditioning
• Toning
• Strength training
• Flexibility exercises


Some other formats of fitness regimes followed by these corporate are: yoga, kickboxing, low impact, interval training, body sculpt, Pilates, tai chi, Latin dance, ’ Lunch & Learn' seminars, ergonomic assessments and recommendations for the workplace, 'Corporate Wellness Fairs’ , weight loss and nutrition program. For a very busy corporate, who is always on the move, an expert can design a thorough workout plan of just thirty minute capsule, which can take care of all his problems and still do justice to his fitness levels. Training sessions teach safe, effective exercise techniques and educate employees on training intensity, frequency and progression to maximize results and reduce injuries.

The employer receives detailed reports on employee group's participation rates and fitness results. The employees receive reports on their initial fitness level and subsequent improvement as determined by ongoing fitness evaluations.

The idea of corporate fitness is not just a fashionable fad; rather companies with international standards find it mandatory to prove the health & fitness of their employees. People are soon realizing that a fit body does not mean necessarily a thin body. Healthy mind in a healthy body is soon becoming the order of the day & we should all welcome this positive change in the general mindset of the masses.

• With the increase in work related stress, companies are incorporating gyms in their premises.
• Corporate gyms help the employees to be physically fitter & mentally alert.
• It helps to increase productivity & reduce medical costs.
• It creates bonding amongst the employees who workout together in less formal surroundings.
• It is a good idea to hire a qualified corporate fitness trainer & seek positive results minus the injuries.

same article is also published at


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