23 October, 2010

Guruji and HIS Miracles

I have shot these pictures and met this child personally on a Sunset cruise with Guruji, in Bali. This child was very special. His mother had celebrated his sister's Birthday in a grand manner and told him that she would have similar celebrations for his Birthday. He told his mom that his wish was to celebrate his Birthday with Guruji. His mother was quite surprised.

Then he had some ailment and was admitted to the hospital. Throughout, his wish was that he wanted to get well so that he could celebrate his Birthday, and meet Guruji. The doctor advised him to have chicken soup and since Guruji promotes being vegetarian, he told the doctor that, "my stomach is not a graveyard for animals".

His wish to meet Guruji for his Birthday was so strong and so pure that there he was in Bali, hale and hearty, and was celebrating it with Guruji. And Guruji also constantly made him sit beside Himself and blessed him.

Guruji made him wear this crown, cut his eggless Birthday cake with him and throughout he was sitting next to Guruji and feeling very shy about the attention he was getting.

Those who have their doubts about such miracles- What do you think? Was this child also lying? Can you see how innocent and pure he is?