The latest trend this season, that is going to be really big in the fashion circle, is plaid or tartan. Call it scottish check or whatever you please. Maybe it reminds you of your grandmother's curtains or that old flannel shirt of yours. But plaid is seriously making a comeback in a big way this season.
So jump on the bandwagon. Give it your modern twist. Mix and match. Today, plaid is available in everything that you can lay your hands on- scarves, shoes, boots, cups, mugs, plates, iPhone covers, nail art, skirts, coats, jackets, dresses, Christmas decorations, bags, rugs, throws, dog coats, gowns, hats- anything and everything. Do you have a plaid in your wardrobe?

Just loved the combination of red, white and the other colors...Color combination in every case is a fashion for all....